Posted By : Muhammad Zubair

12/16/2014 1:50:56 PM

Breaking News

Militants attacked on APS Peshawar, leaving 148 Dead  including 132 Children's

80 Killed, other 45 are Injure in an Attack on Army Public School Peshawar

Earlier this morning, Terrorists in the uniform of Army attacked on Army Public School Peshawar located on Warsak Road near by Army Housing Colony, PM Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif contacted with Federal Interior Minister and instructed him to lay off the Terrorists from School’s building in a secure way. 

One of the School Teacher told media officials that about 1400 to 1500 students are enrolled in school, while majority of children have been rescued.

ISPR confirmed that Taliban Militants attacked on APS (Army Public School) Peshawar, left 141 people dead including 132 school children's & 1 female teacher and security guard of APS Peshawar Children, while countless others are seriously injured admited in Lady Reading Hospital and CMH Peshawar.

On the other hands, the spokesperson of TTP (Tehreen-e-Taliban Pakistan) told AFP (Associate Press Pakistan) sources that there were 6 militants were involved in this attack. He said that, “They Include target killer and suicide attacker. They have been ordered to shoot the older students but not the children.”
One of the eye-witness said that, “”
A Student (Ahsan Mukhtar) of APS Peshawar told media officials that,
“They were wearing black uniforms and carrying rifles in their hands… They opened fire on students and left many of them dead and injured,”.
The dead bodies and injured person have been directed towards Lady Ready Hospital and CMH (Combined Military Hospital).

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Syeda Muskan Batool

12/26/2014 4:54:36 PM

I am very sad about this.Allah inko Jannat ata farmaai.Ameen

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