Posted By : Mamoona Naseer

4/29/2015 9:52:39 AM

Breaking News

Mazari says dissolved tribunal has no locus standi anymore

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s Information Secretary Dr Shireen Mazari has asked the media not to research into the subject related to its two-member election tribunal headed by Justice retired Wajihuddin Ahmed.

In a declaration, she told on Tuesday: “The two-man election tribunal notified by the Chairman PTI to investigate petitions regarding particularly to the 2013 Intra-Party Elections stood dissolved by the Chairman, but, it’s unlucky that the media continues to look into into the issue as it had completed its task of looking into the intra-party complaints — the only exact purpose for which it was created.”

She said the chairman of the tribunal, whom the whole party held in greatest respect, “has become puzzled between PTI a political party and the courts of the state! As a consequence he has opened himself to all the renegades, ex-members with their sinister agendas and the normally disaffected souls who have been stationary in the party for a long period of time, to declare against the party leadership and have a catharsis at the cost of the party’s benefit.”

This was an indefensible position, she added. Mr Mazari said the media should understand that the dissolved election tribunal had no locus standi within the PTI anymore and it should abstain from indulging in it.

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