Before this offer the tariff of 8Mbps DSL package was Rs. 7,000 with unlimited downloads. PTCL said that a data limit of 100 GBs per month will be applied from January 1st, 2015 on this offer, till then customers can get pleasure from unlimited downloads with this super 8Mbps speed.
PTCL has announced the accessibility of its new high-speed DSL package for its valued customers. As witnessed on PTCL official website, company is now offering its customers to gain 8Mbps DSL package against Rs. 2,999 monthly only with unlimited download, PTCL said that this offer can be availed by any new or existing PTCL customers as well.

To be precise about this offer till the end of 2014 this 8Mbps package will be unlimited, but From January 1st, 2015 the data limit of 100 GBs will be applied, and customers will be charged Rs. 100 for each GB. Though the option of unlimited usage is there, in Rs. 7,000 per month for 8Mbps package after which there will be no limit on downloads.