Posted By : Muhammad Zubair

5/5/2014 1:45:17 PM

World News

First Female Journalist in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is said to be most strict country for women but people also stated that the ratio for crimes is least in world. But now the Saudi Government is changing the strict policies and Women are now have more rights than ever. Now Saudi Women are included in Army, they can work in private firms and can do other jobs as well.

Saudi Arabia is said to be most strict country for women but people also stated that the ratio for crimes is least in world. But now the Saudi Government is changing the strict policies and Women are now have more rights than ever. Now Saudi Women are included in Army, they can work in private firms and can do other jobs as well.
Saudi Government is planning to make rules against Home Violence, and the accused person (Husband) will be penalized in case of home violence. Now for the first time in the history of Saudi Arabia, a Woman is working as Editor-In-Chief for an News Paper named Saudi Gazette.
Khaled Almaeena nominated on the Saudi Gazette that Somayya Jabarti will took the charge on his retirement, and Somayya Jabarti who work as associate with Khaled Almaeena for 13 Years is working on the post of Editor-In-Chief.
Khaled Almaeena quoted on his site that, “It was not a question of gender but of merit that decided and earned her this opportunity. I am proud to have played a role in her career. She is determined and dedicated, and I can assure her and the team that I will be there to assist and advise, so that Saudi Gazette further advances as a media unit in a highly competitive and digital age.”
This is indeed a good step for the Saudi Women, as Jabarti is now working on a powerful post which is a good sign for the Saudi Women.
For the pas 6 years, the participation of Saudi Women has grown up from 9% to 16%, while the Women are provided by fair working environment as well.
Saudi Government wants to reduce the Nation’s dependency over foreigner workers and to reduce the unemployment rate of 26.9%.

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