Posted By : Mamoona Naseer

3/9/2015 12:01:26 PM

Health News

Swine Flu Warning in Sindh’s Hospitals

The Heath Department of Sindh has issued a warning and has directed to all hospitals to put adequate measures to cope with the dangerous Swine Flu Virus which has widespread in India.

As the death toll from Swine flu is increasing in India and more than 1370 people have lost their lives while more than 25,000 people are affected from it. The Health Department of Sindh has issued Swine flu alert in all hospitals and has instructed to conduct N1H1 tests of all patients affected from flu. The paramedical staff has also directed to keep these flu patients in a separate ward to control the virus from being spread. Their treatment would continue in isolation so the other patients remain safe from contagious virus.

“Fortunately, so far no swine flu case has come out in Pakistan but the Sindh Health Department is ensuring the proper and adequate measures to remove the chances of entering the virus from India, especially in those areas that meet with Pak-India border”, said Khalid Sheikh the Department’s Special Secretary Public Health.  

“The department has restricted the hospital administrations to keep record of all these patients and handover complete data of the patient to the Health Department”, he added. The Doctors have forbidden the flu patients from sneezing and coughing openly and has advised to use handkerchief for not to spread flu germs.  

In India, number of affected people across the country has mounted to 25,190 the majority are the children. Still, the chances of the widespread of the virus are present.

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