In the modern era of today there is a vast majority of people who are in search for the latest breaking health news from which they can improve their health in an effective manner. There are many resources which can give you health news updates and health news in Urdu today like newspapers, magazines and tv channels. This particular category of this website is responsible to keep you informed with the latest health news of Pakistan as well as of the whole world. In the technology era of today there are a vast amount of mediums from which health news can be obtained like printing media, newspapers, emails, Internet and many more for the help of people. The latest technology of today has changed the image to stay updated to the world news as there are now many ways which people of today can use.

High Blood Pressure is a Silent Killer

by Mamoona Naseer   (2024 views)

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension is extremely dangerous and behaves like a silent k

High Blood Pressure is a Silent Killer

Swine Flu Warning in Sindh’s Hospitals

by Mamoona Naseer   (2271 views)

The Heath Department of Sindh has issued a warning and has directed to all hospitals to put adequate

Swine Flu Warning in Sindh’s Hospitals

Excessive TV Watching can Shortens Your Life

by Mamoona Naseer   (2048 views)

According to a research, excessive watching TV increases the risks to life and shaves few years from

Excessive TV Watching can Shortens Your Life

Lose Belly Fat with the Help of Food

by Mamoona Naseer   (2067 views)

Food is not only important for the growth of our body but it also contains meditation of several di

Lose Belly Fat with the Help of Food

Get Calcium from Non Dairy Foods

by Mamoona Naseer   (1966 views)

Calcium is an essential element of human body and necessary for the growth and health of teeth and b

Get Calcium from Non Dairy Foods

Beware! It may be a Symptom of Cancer

by Mamoona Naseer   (2513 views)

Cancer is a group of diseases and in its early stages it’s difficult to find out its symptoms.

Beware! It may be a Symptom of Cancer

Home Medication for Sore Throat in winter

by Mamoona Naseer   (2050 views)

In winter sore throat is very common and it’s the first sign of cold. Allergies, dry air and transfe

Home Medication for Sore Throat in winter

Surprising Benefits of Mustard in winters.

by Mamoona Naseer   (2347 views)

Mustered and its seeds are indispensible ingredients in Pakistani kitchens especially in winters

Surprising Benefits of Mustard in winters.

Benefits of Nuts in Winter Season

by Mamoona Naseer   (2442 views)

The benefits of nuts are numerous especially in winters when our body needs extra warmth. Nuts are a

Benefits of Nuts in Winter Season

Blast in Yemen, 32 Dead several injured

by Muhammad Zubair   (3541 views)

At least 32 people killed in Capital of Yemen today when a suicide bomber jolted the rebel rally in

Blast in Yemen, 32 Dead several injured